
Work Accident Lawyer
Daniel.Tan | October 15, 2023 | 0 Comments

Workplace Injury Lawyer Cincinnati OH

Workplace injuries can occur in just moments, in any type of workplace. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2.6 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses were reported in 2021 by employers in the private sector. Industries that reported both workplace injuries and illnesses ranged from businesses in retail, manufacturing, and construction all the way to healthcare and agriculture.

But regardless of the industry, suffering injuries on the job can leave you facing short and long-term issues alike. These can include unexpected medical bills, potential loss of income, and time off work as you recover. However, there are options available to you.

In Ohio, employers with one or more employees are required by law to have worker compensation coverage. Workers’ compensation coverage is provided by the Bureau of Worker’s Compensation (BWC), an organization that pays lost wages and medical expenses to an employee who is injured or who may come into contact with an illness while working.

Workplace injury cases can be complex, especially given that there can be confusion around what legal obligations an employer has to an injured employee. Questions around whether or not a worker’s compensation is applicable to your situation and whether you have grounds for a personal injury claim are common concerns to have following a workplace injury.

Here at The Friedmann Firm, our Cincinnati personal injury lawyers have dedicated themselves to fully understanding state and federal laws around the workplace. We will analyze the details of your unique situation to determine if you have grounds for a claim. From there, we can help evaluate your next steps if we can take on your case.

How a Cincinnati Workplace Injury Lawyer Can Help

Following a workplace accident, most people assume that you just file an incident report with your employer and apply for worker’s compensation. But even before filing for worker compensation, speaking with a Cincinnati workplace injury attorney can be beneficial.

We understand the complexities that can arise in workplace injury cases and can help determine whether you are only eligible for worker’s compensation or if you have grounds for a personal injury claim. With a thorough understanding of the legal processes and laws related to workplace injuries, our team of Cincinnati workplace injury lawyers will be able to help you.

Common Types of Workplace Accidents

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a number of common workplace injuries in 2020 occurred due to slips, trips, and falls, coming into contact with various objects and equipment, and accidents that involve motor vehicles. However, these are not the only types of accidents that can cause injury in the workplace.

Some of the most common types of workplace accidents include:

  • Slips and falls
  • Falling debris
  • Being struck by moving equipment or machinery
  • Vehicle-related accidents
  • Fire
  • Explosions
  • Electrocution
  • Exposure to toxic fumes and other hazardous materials
  • Repetitive motion
  • Overexertion
  • Violence in the workplace
  • Unsafe work environments

The above is not a fully exhaustive list of ways that someone may be injured at work. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury at work, it can be prudent to contact a work accident lawyer near Cincinnati.

We can review your case and help determine what next steps would be most appropriate for your situation.

What Compensation is Available for Workplace Injury Claims?

A workplace injury claim typically has the following types of compensation available:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering

In cases of wrongful death, additional damages may also be available such as funeral and burial expenses and loss of companionship.

The Differences Between Workers’ Compensation and Workplace Injury

While it can be easy to think that worker’s compensation and a workplace injury claim are the same thing, it is important to note that they are two separate types of claims. The defining difference between these two claims is who is at fault for the injury.

For a worker’s compensation claim, you will be eligible to receive damages following an injury on the job that you sustained – so long as the injury was partly or entirely your fault. According to the Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation, workers who are injured on the job or who “suffer an occupational disease can request medical benefits, and if applicable, compensation” by filing a worker’s compensation claim.

In the case of a workplace injury claim, the fault will typically fall on either that of your employer or even a third party like a contractor or even a parts manufacturer. A personal injury claim for a workplace injury that was not your fault can be filed with the help of a hurt-at-work lawyer in Cincinnati, Ohio, who will be able to explain your rights to you and ensure that the claim is filed properly.

And while a worker’s compensation claim is not going to be concerned with fault, a personal injury claim will be. When a personal injury claim is filed, negligence will need to be proven. Negligence in workplace injury claims will involve proving:

  1. That your employer or a third-party owed you a duty of care
  2. That they breached that duty of care
  3. That said breach contributed directly to your injuries
  4. That you sustained injuries and losses due to the liable party’s negligence

If you are unsure of whether or not you should be filing a worker’s compensation claim or a workplace injury claim, please contact our Cincinnati work injury lawyers today. We can answer any questions you may have surrounding the differences between these two types of claims, and determine which one is more applicable to your situation.

Connect with an Experienced Work Accident Lawyer Near Cincinnati Today

If you or a loved one has been injured due to a workplace accident, it is important to contact a work accident lawyer near Cincinnati. Many may just immediately move forward with filing a worker’s compensation claim before speaking to an attorney. However, each workplace injury situation is different.

Your case may only involve filing a worker’s compensation claim or workplace negligence may be involved. Should workplace negligence be involved, your workplace injury claim may be more complex. A workplace injury claim will involve proving negligence, and your case may include more than one responsible party. Working with a hurt-at-work lawyer in Cincinnati, Ohio, can make a difference as you seek fair compensation for your injuries.

To schedule a free and confidential consultation with one of your Cincinnati work injury lawyers, you can call us over the phone at 513-845-7330 or through our contact form.

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